A Christmas Letter from Buddy the Dog

Well, my people said they don't have time to write the Christmas letter this year, so I guess I will have to do it. 

I have had a busy year full of pets and playing catch. I also have a full-time job guarding the house from scary people on the sidewalk. I bark and growl and they run away in fear. 

It is a tough job, but someone has to do it. 

The one that feeds me from the table that I call mom had a great year. Most days she goes to a place called Decades Garage. They say it’s a vintage gift shop, whatever that means. All I know is It was supposed to help with all the stuff around the house, but I haven't noticed a difference yet. 

The big guy is doing great too. He plays catch with me if I put the toy on his chair. I don't mind, his hair is silver which means he is vintage too. Maybe that is why mom loves him so much. 

The smaller people they call kids aren’t really that small anymore. Most of them are taller than the one that feeds me from the table. That makes them happy. 

The much smaller humans they call grandkids are my favorite. They play catch with me the most, not to mention they smell like French fries and dirt. I wish everyone smelled that good. 

I think that about covers it. We hope you and all your humans have a great Christmas this year. May your bowls be full of yummies, and you get all the pets you could ever dream of. 



Buddy the dog…And his family too


Mom said I have to tell you about that furball of a cat that steals my pets and sits in my spot on the bed. I do not trust her, and you should not either. That is all I have to say about that.  


Mom says that what I meant to say was that we love her very much and would be lost without her. Excuse me while I go try to upchuck in her bowl. 

Merry Christmas.


Decades Garage